Emergency Relief Special Projects

It is not uncommon for a disaster to spawn innovative community-based projects that combine short term relief with organizing for long term change. When we get word of such projects we will pass them on. This is also a page to check on advocacy campaigns related to specific disasters or emergency relief in general.

Earthquake Relief

Peru is just beginning to dig out from a major earthquake that hit Arequipa on June 23. For news updates and donor information, go to Oxfam America. More information is available from NGOs listed on our Emergency Links page.

Earthquake Recovery

Recent earthquakes have devastated El Salvador and Gujarat, India. For information about ways to stretch your contribution to the relief effort in El Salvador, contact the SHARE Foundation, Oxfam America, Global Fund for Women, or Committee In Solidarity with the People of El Salvador.

The International Development Exchange (IDEX) is working with its Indian partner GRAVIS, to help provide short and long-term relief in India. For more information, contact GRAVIS or IDEX


Whether you are making a material contribution or not, we hope you will consider joining a campaign for debt relief. No country, especially one that has just suffered a major disaster, should have to make usurious payments to wealthy investors with the scarce resources needed to provide food and shelter for its people. You need look no further than Mozambiqe for a case in point. One World carries information on a number of debt relief campaigns, including The Jubilee 2000 Project.


The recent Ethiopian military offensive is creating a humanitarian disaster. Go to Grassroots International for up to date information on the situation and how you can become involved.


The floods in Southern Mozambique seem almost biblical in savagery. The Mozambican government does not have the means to deal with a crisis of this magnitude and is wholly dependent on international relief. See a recent posting in the Forum for more information.

The World Food Programme has issued a $34 billion emergency appeal to avert mass starvation. The American Friends Service Committee, active in Mozambique since 1975, has begun an emergency relief program based on its experience, staff recommendations and its ongoing work in Manica province with the Organization of Mozambican Women.

Three other NGOs with trusted track records are responding to the floods in Mozambique: Doctors without Borders, Oxfam International, and UNICEF. All three have online donation capacity.

You can also join Oxfam America's debt cancellation campaign. Write a member of Congress demanding immediate and total debt cancellation at http://www.house.gov/writerep/ or a U.S. Senator at http://www.senate.gov/contacting/index_by_state.cfm.


It's probably the most ignored human rights disaster in the world right now and it's about to get worse. For more information about the war and how donors are responding, go to our Colombia page.

Orissa Cyclone

Official relief efforts in Orissa have turned into bureaucratic nightmares, failing to reach some of the most vulnerable people. Oxfam is working on the scene, and Food First is sponsoring a special fund. For more on helping the victims of the Orissa Cyclone, click here.

East Timor

For news updates and information on how you can help, contact East Timor Action Network. For information about the crisis brewing in the Indonesian province of Aceh, follow these Aceh links

Central America

Central American nations are still reeling from Hurricane Mitch in 1998. A number of reconstruction projects are underway. Check out The SHARE Foundation project in El Salvador, and the World Neighbors project in Honduras. If you are looking for a project in Nicaragua, we reccommend you contact Wisconsin Coordinating Council on Nicaragua or inquire at the Center for the Study of the Americas in Berkeley, CA by calling (510)540-5006 or by email at censa@igc.org.

For an update on the general relief efforts see www.hurricanemitch.org. Relief and reconstruction projects are going on at a grassroots level throughout the region. Also contact The Jubilee 2000 Project for information about debt relief for Central American countries. Although a debt moratorium was declared by donor countries, one year after the disaster Nicaragua and Honduras were still paying almost one million dollars a day to the IMF and World Bank. For a partial listing of NGO responses to Mitch, see Interaction's March 1999 report.


When geopolitics combines with ethnic conflict, the result can be a human rights tragedy of immense and complex proportions. Kosovo remains intensely politicized, and extremely polarized, and generally violent. Our partner, the Global Fund for Women is accepting donations destined to aid women in Kosovo. Members of IDD have also told us about a fund set up to help Kosovar women in the Balkans. Everything we know about it can be learned by checking out the Kosovo Women's Fund. It is sponsored by the STAR Network of World Learning, a Washington based outfit. The page is hosted by The Network of East-West Women which also carries reports on the conflict from women journalists and independent women's NGOs in Serbia, Kosovo and Croatia..

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